Friday, March 23, 2012

Advise on midnight witnessing

This fine friday morning finds me a little tired and feeling a bit stressed. I am not sure why, but it is the way life goes some times. My sleep was disrupted about 3:30 am by our night time singer who walks around the neighbor hood singing into a loud speaker in the early morning hours. I think I agree with the writer of Proverbs when he says in chapter 27 Verse 14, He that blesseth his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it will be counted a curse to him!!! It has a very disruptive effect on ones sleeping schedule!!!                               BLESS HIS HEART!!!
This also captures the attention of our visiting team, brings them out of bed in an attemp to capture the sound on video!!! Causing for more disruption, when he finishes his last song as they finally get to where they can capture the sound!!! As this brings forth some words of disgust, and annoyance!!!
  Mid night witnessing does have some advantages that we miss in the day. One is, what better time to remind one of there lost condition than when they are in bed, and have no desire to be any where else. The comfort of there bed will keep them there in most cases. Hence the Lord has a golden opertunity, to speak into there lives.
This also can have a negative effect, causing bitter and angery thoughts to build, about the witnesser and his faith.
 A few words of advise. If you feel the Lord is calling you to mid night witnessing, Please be sure it is his will. You might face a bit of opposition.
  Please do not get me wrong. If one soul gets saved because of this mans efforts, it is worth it. But I do find it to be an annoyance.
                          God bless you all!!!


  1. I clearly remember the droning sounds of the mid night witness band, yet I still have a burning desire to go back to the same town.
    Maybe there is something wrong with me after all!

    Formerly disturbed by the midnight witnesser!

  2. Lol, you made me grin! =) Hope your having a blessed day...

  3. This makes me smile because I know exactly how you feel! I remember very well, times when we lived in Guatemala, when people would start their 'loudspeekering' at around 2 or 3 in the morning. :-) Here's me, feeling very sympathetic. :-)
    ~Tiana Martin

  4. Advise on titling blogposts: check your spelling:)
    While I do tend to agree w/ the proverbs writer, there's also this in Romans 13:11,12 "And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent the day is at hand..."
    Somehow I've managed to sleep through his disturbances the last couple weeks, so it doesn't bother me if he preaches or not:) And I do agree with you.

  5. Yes I know thanks for the reminder
