Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The lake house

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There seems to be no explaination why, but the lake that our property borders is rising steadily at a rate of approximately four feet a year. It has now taken one of our buildings, and more are going soon. We tore out all the interior valuables, and left the water come. Here are some pictures from inside the house.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Rattle Trap

                          One, Two, Three LIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what you call Manual Labor!!!  This is our 1997 Ford E150 that was in need of body mounts. Since none of us were interested in being in the van when the running gear gained more momentum than the body, we thought it best to replace them. The problem, we  had no lift, only a bottle jack. The current mechanic at IFM was not interested in potenially shortening his life by trying to do it alone, so when he saw there was a work team of 12 young men, a thought formed in his mind. We could make use of man power that we have here!!! Of course we all enjoyed the task! Many hands make light work!!
  The van and its riders, are enjoying a much more stable ride now, although rattle trap will never be new again!!!

Hello Everyone

Good morning everyone. Just a little update, we are having beautiful weather right now. It is around ninety in the days, and drops to about sixty five,or seventy at night. All is going well, we are not real busy. We can actually catch our breath a bit.
  Shea is home in the states right now, and we have a new short term staff member while he is gone, and then while I come home for a bit to. He is planning to stay till I return in July.

  Please pray that Gods will would be done this weekend, as our town has carnaval.  This is a time when there is a lot of wickedness, and satan worship. Pray that the christians here would be strong and stand up for what is right, and not give in to the pressure of the world.
  Remember! We serve a risen saviour. He has the power to keep us, all we need to do is trust him! Its all in his control!