Saturday, April 7, 2012

Rattle Trap

                          One, Two, Three LIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what you call Manual Labor!!!  This is our 1997 Ford E150 that was in need of body mounts. Since none of us were interested in being in the van when the running gear gained more momentum than the body, we thought it best to replace them. The problem, we  had no lift, only a bottle jack. The current mechanic at IFM was not interested in potenially shortening his life by trying to do it alone, so when he saw there was a work team of 12 young men, a thought formed in his mind. We could make use of man power that we have here!!! Of course we all enjoyed the task! Many hands make light work!!
  The van and its riders, are enjoying a much more stable ride now, although rattle trap will never be new again!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am sure dear rattle trap was crying tears of joy as you drove him down the road with his new components.

    I love the way you guys us the Cholera tent for a shop.
    The pictures of the tent bring back so many memories.
    Sniff Sniff.

    M'ap retonen!
