Friday, July 6, 2012

Where is Jesus

Where is Jesus? Do we see him today?
 Where does the scripture say we will find Jesus?
 While Jesus walked this earth, he could be found mainly with one group of people. The last, the lost, and the least. Where can Jesus be found today? Did you ever think of it, that Jesus, might be that bum, you see on the streets of your town, who is known for his filthy life.  He may be the eldery person I did not lend a hand. He may be that cashier that was a bit slow as you checked out at the local walmart. He may just be that one that needed a listening ear as you hurried to not miss your sunday morning church service.  He has not changed. He still is reaching out to the same people. 
 Why do we try so hard to stay aw.ay from these people, If we truely are dead to self, and alive unto Christ, we will find ourselves drawn to these people. Christ will send them our way. 
 Why is it, that we would have no problem talking to a man dressed in fine cloths carrying a briefcase, but when we see the man with tattered cloths and shaggy hair, we lean over to our friend and say, take a look at that guy!!! Wonder what he`s up to? Surely its no good!
 If you want to see Christ today, Help out one of these people, in his name

1 comment:


    This is what your post reminded me of. It's one of my favorite songs. Hope you enjoy it.
